R. Fleming: Lieder
February 2021
The new album by the North American soprano Renée Fleming is vivid example of the art of singing. It leaves no doubt of how an artist of her stature can continue to surprise her audience and critics with such refined and sublime performances.
With a careful selection of her favorite songs by Brahms, Schumann and Mahler, including Wiegenlied (Lullaby) by Brahms, the beauty that the interpreter achieves with her phrasing deeply reaches the listener’s heart.
The record begins with eight songs by Brahms starting with the famous piece, “Wiegenlied”, op. 49 no. 4. Fleming interprets this lullaby with exquisite elegance and with admirable fluency. The brilliant accompaniment stands out in the following song “Ständchen”, op. 106 no. 1. The CD continues with “Lerchengesang”, op. 70 no. 2, with a precise and clear piano melody; and a subtle velvety voice.
Equally exquisite and refined is «Mondnacht», WoO 21. Besides choosing songs of great lyricism, we can also find others with a more playful character, such as «Die Liebsten Schwur», op. 69 no. 4. and “Vergebliches Ständchen”, op. 84 no. 4.
Fleming’s interpretive maturity enriches each song even more. We can hear her round voice in in each of the eight pieces that make up the Frauenliebe und Leben, op. 42 by Schumann, with chiaroscuro in the center register, vibrant highs and a great understanding of the style. The is not in vocal display but in explaining each little story that the eight songs of the cycle contain: “Seit ich ihn gesehen”, “Er, der Herrlichste von allen”, “Ich kann’s nicht fassen, nicht glauben”, “Du Ring an meinem Finger”, “Helft mir, ihr Schwestern”, “Süsser Freund, du blickest mich verwundert an”, “An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust”, and “Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan”.
The surprise comes in the last five tracks, in which the soprano sings Mahler along with the distinguished baton of Christian Thielemann, who masterfully conducts the Münchner Philharmoniker in the Rückert-Lieder (2010). Her “Liebst du um Schönheit” is deeply moving as well as her epic “Um Mitternacht” and the breathtaking “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” in which she also excels. Her immaculate tuning together with her strong communication power makes the perfect convination to make listeners fall in love with her expressiveness and the accents that she proposes in her phrasing.
Fleming’s latest album is a real treat for the ears from beginning to end. A true delight for the listeners to be carried away by her unique vocal charm.
– Paul Thomas